
Our library has audio- visual cassettes/CDs and wide range of books related to subjects of management, aviation, hospitality, tourism, IT and computer application, fashion technology and media. It subscribes to all the major periodicals and dailies, including professional magazines related to business developmental studies. Newspapers clippings, and files on various subjects are special feature of our documentation unit. Students can make use of these files and clippings in the library. The library arranges film and video shows, discussions and book- review session regularly. The librarian invites experts to speak on current topics and share their professional experience along with the latest developments with students. State –of – the -art work station.
Studio / Lab

We have state- of-the- art Audio -video editing console, professional audio recording facility with latest soft wares, viz., Sound Forge and Nuendo and shooting floor for having the first hand experience to our students. Our non- linear editing studio is equipped with all the latest electronic equipments and editing soft wares such as Avid and Premier. The LCD Projector helps the students to see the latest movies and educational CDs related with their professional subjects. The computer lab has Wi-Fi connection with all the latest softwares installed.
Seminar & Workshops

The institute conducts seminars and workshops regularly in collaboration with prestigious Government and Non-Government agencies for the benefits of students. Discussions are organized regularly on the contemporary issues to keep the thinking process alive. These seminars and workshops are often presided over by eminent professionals and academicians. The institute provides opportunities for face –to- face interaction with these professionals .The students are liberally encouraged to express their views in these programmes as assignments .
Industrial Visits

Visits to Industries are organized to allow students to observe working environment of the Channels, Production house, News organizations, companies and correlate the learning experience with the actual practice.